Lt. Dan Choi, a West Point Graduate, Infantry Officer, a linguist fluent in Arabic, and a veteran of two Iraq tours. Lt. Choi came out as being gay, challenging the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy of the US Army. He was discharged from the Army National Guard under the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy and made national news by stepping into the political spot light and appearing on national shows. When he was discharged from the military, the US Army issued a letter informing him that he was being dismissed, it said, in part, quote, “sufficient basis exists to initiate action for withdrawal of federal recognition in the Army National Guard for moral or professional dereliction. Specifically, you admitted publicly that you are a homosexual, which constitutes homosexual conduct. Your actions negatively affected the good order and discipline of the New York Army National Guard.” This unproven allegation inspired Dan to become an exemplary gay activist. Since being discharged from the military Lt. Choi founded an organization called Knights Out, formed by a group of West Point graduates, staff and faculty who are united in supporting the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender soldiers to openly serve their country. He is the recipient of our 2011 Acclaim Award for National Political Activism.
Lieutenant Daniel Choi